Second Hand Band Where You Are Ost Знаки Любви - знаки любви песня

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Исполнитель: Second Hand Band

Название: Where You Are Ost Знаки Любви

Продолжительность песни: 04:50

Добавлен: 2017-03-20

Слушали: 585


Ещё песни Second Hand Band
Текст песни:

Walking in the rain
Diving deep inside
Your dreams that fly
Across the sky of your mind
The feeling of your self is so unexpressed
You know you are blessed
From higher realms

Where you are,
I’m close.
May be far -
Who knows?

Illusions disrespect
Your search for the best
But take a breath
And you will last forever
The feeling of yourself
Is never the same
You know it’s a game
Of higher realms

Видео клип led submarine - second hand band
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